17 Ocak 2013 Perşembe


JOURNAL SET 2, entry 2 



Those peoples in this video are arguing to find ways to help endangered animals and to save them. They try to find solutions to their problems. They  make laws to protect them.  This is a nice work. Everyone should do something to help. Anyone should be sensitive about that like these people in video. Because there is a problem that all people familiar: endangered species. All animals or plants are important and all have their special tasks and they do it. But some species are facing extinction because of some reasons. But it is a fact that all creatures should be alive for natural balance. So people should do something to help those endangered species to stay alive. In order to help endangered species, it's important to understand the causes of their endangerment, such as habitat loss, exploitation, pollution, climate change, invasive species and diseases. Learn about community-based conservation with help from a science teacher and field biologist in this free video on biology. 



There are billions of creatures living on the earth. Each of them has special characteristics and different qualities.But there is a fact that nowadays there are some kind of animals or plants that are facing extinction. there are limited number of them. They need to be protected. People must do something to save them because all creatures live in a harmony , they are all related to each other . They are very important not only for naturel balance of the world but also for people.Today a lot of research and experiments shows how an animal or a plant, which maybe we think useless, plays important roles for the natural life.It is also an undeniable fact that today there are lots of things in our daily life which are obtained from animals or plants that we use as drugs for healing from illnesses, we eat to survive or we use for entertainment or fun. Maybe those endangered species will be discovered to be important for our life in the future.  So we should do something for them to survive.  In the natural life all animals, plants are living in a harmony. Each creature has special tasks that crucial for life. In a habitat, all animals and plants’ life are connected one another and if one is gone, it affects all the member off the habitat.Today researchers are continuing to find out how some kind of fishes get along together or how some birds and big land mammals make use of each other. They are important for each other. It also shouldn’t be forgotten that every creature has the right to live on earth. People should respect it. And we must try not to disturb them. So all creatures are very important. We can’t say it is already useless for us about a kind of animal or plant that is facing extinction. And we must do whatever we can to help those endangered species continue to live.


İn this video, the teacher helps and teaches the child to pronunciate and write the words right. Every child who has problem and difficulty to write or read needs help and it is everybody’s duty to assist them. This teacher and many other like her think so and they do as much as they can to help them. Anyone who can hear can learn to crack the reading and spelling code using the alphabetic code, for quicker understanding and skill acquisition. Reading and spelling are unique in that skills needed to crack the English alphabetic code must be taught directly, systematically and explicitly. The majority of children cannot 'discover' reading and spelling without guided teaching. It is a reality. There are some common problems like slow reading. One of the reasons that these learners read more slowly is that they seem less able to identify the organization of a passage of text. Since efficient comprehension relies on the reader's ability to see the pattern or the direction that the writer is taking, parents and teachers can help these readers by spending more time on building background for the reading selection, both in the general sense of concept building and in the specific sense of creating a mental scheme for the text organization. Many times, drawing a simple diagram can help these readers greatly. So there are a lot of different ways to help them develop. But there should be volunteers to help more children.


Developing can be achieved thanks to education. The first step in education is learning to read and write. So reading and writing are the basic tools for  developing. Also it is every child’s right to learn these basic qualifies.  In addition , it is vital for children ,from different social groub to different intelligence, to learn reading and writing to achieve general – global  development in the world. Second, beginning with the birth human being needs to learn. It is like a basic need. But every child has different  intelligence. But it does not mean that those who have difficulty in learning how to read or write or something different don’t want or need to learn something. We are living in a developed world and everybody have to adapt it to be able to live. So we should help children who need help  to learn .Furthermore,without knowing how to read and write it would be very difficult to live. Today people are getting job according to their literacy.   So reading and writing are basic skills and every child must learn them. Also I think helping children who have difficulty in reading writing are important and everybody should see it as a duty.