7 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba


                                           I BRAIN ODTU
The slogan i brain odtü looks like a good one.İt is interesting and different. İ like it but it is hinted and so it is difficult to understand. Maybe this makes it a good and different slogan.When i saw it first, i didn t understand what is mean .İt was so strange to me at that times but as the time pass, we see it everywhere and now it is a usual thing for me. When i learned the mean of this slogan, i liked it more because it reflect something that as if only the metu students have and can do something to make this slogan s  goal real.

İf it is asked me what could be the best slogan for metu, i would say 'new planet METU' . Because after high school we came here and we encounter a different life..

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